Thursday, October 23, 2008

HOT Summer!

This certainly has been a fun summer! Being a crazy kid, Lily likes to keep active and have a good time whenever possible! Fortunately, we have some great friends (who also happen to have a blow up pool!) and we had quite a day of fun!!

After a long day of playing, she relaxed to a little guitar music and did her infamous "jammin out" lips...feel free to laugh...I know it's hilarious!

Who doesn't love seeing a baby having the BEST TIME EVER!!!

She literally just smiles all day long...I can't get enough of it!

Sweet little doll face...

You have to love that baby "hawk"...wait till you see pics for Halloween!!

Lily is Getting All Grown Up!

So this past summer has really been a big one for Lily...along with learning how to walk (her first steps were on July 4th!), she also cut 16 teeth (to date) and had her first birthday! And finally, I can say that she finally has hair!!! As a hairstylist, I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to be able to put my little girl's hair in pigtails and I am happy to say that we can!

Here are some pictures of her first birthday party which was so fun! Bubbe and Grandpa came into town and celebrated with us and the Nudelmans and the Bickertons were also there to play and celebrate!

Family Pic! She did NOT want to be restrained! Too many places to go and too many people to see! (Really, she just wanted to get at her toys...)

She was having a ball opening those gifts!

Oh man, that cake was GOOD!!!

She was being cute and putting on a little show for us right before cake...

Here is Lily's Birthday cake that I so diligently worked on for 3 days...yes, 3 days. Making marshmallow fondant (and then hand dying it) is NOT for the weak at heart!

Passover with the Nudelmans!

At the end of April, we were invited to spend Passover with our good friends, Josh and Rachel Nudelman, and their three daughters, Lauren, Madison, and Ellyson. I was Jewish for a day, or at least until the next Jewish holiday and so was Lily!

Never take a picture of a waking baby when they least expect it! Unless, of course, you want t get this absolutely horrified look!

She only LOOKS sweet...she was certainly having a good time with all the delicious food and fun!

They go together like two peas in a pod! Who would have thought that my daughter would look NOTHING like me??

All the boys wearing their "kippahs" cute!

Lily and Mommy...getting ready for a delicious meal...and believe me, it was SO yummy! Rachel is one amazing cook!

Trying to Play Catch Up!

So, because I have been horrible at sending emails since I have moved to CA, let me take this time to offer a little update on the past few months...or at least since my last email!

This past summer was a great time because Lily and I were able to hang out tons due to me taking the summer off of you all know, San Diego is BEAUTIFUL and I wanted to take full advantage while we were here...considering we will only be here most likely till April, June the latest.

Lily sure does looking around and seeing new things! She's always getting into something!

Daddy and Lily are always learning new things together! Here, they are having a very deep discussion about the meaning of life...can't you tell??

Since Mac and John don't get the opportunity to see eachother very often, it was
wonderful being able to catch up, eat some great food (namely genuine Mexican) and see the city together. We hope that next time Sasha and the kids can come also!

Hey John!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Keeping in Contact...

Because military life constantly has us moving and shaking, I figured it would be best if I just started a blog to stay in touch with those that we love...and allow you all to take a peek into our lives to see where we've been and where we're headed! I am going to attempt to stay on top of this blog so that there's always interesting things to see, namely Lily...

So let it begin!