Monday, April 25, 2011

Reminder about your invitation from Sarah McArthur


Dear McArthur,

This is a reminder that on April 13, Sarah McArthur sent you an invitation to become part of his or her professional network at LinkedIn.

Follow this link to accept Sarah McArthur's invitation.

Signing up is free and takes less than a minute.

On April 13, Sarah McArthur wrote:

> To: McArthur Blog []
> From: Sarah McArthur []
> Subject: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

> I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
> - Sarah

The only way to get access to Sarah McArthur's professional network on LinkedIn is through the following link:

You can remove yourself from Sarah McArthur's network at any time.


© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reminder about your invitation from Sarah McArthur


Dear McArthur,

This is a reminder that on April 13, Sarah McArthur sent you an invitation to become part of his or her professional network at LinkedIn.

Follow this link to accept Sarah McArthur's invitation.

Signing up is free and takes less than a minute.

On April 13, Sarah McArthur wrote:

> To: McArthur Blog []
> From: Sarah McArthur []
> Subject: Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

> I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
> - Sarah

The only way to get access to Sarah McArthur's professional network on LinkedIn is through the following link:

You can remove yourself from Sarah McArthur's network at any time.


© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Sarah

Sarah McArthur
Student at University of Maryland University College
Providence, Rhode Island Area

Confirm that you know Sarah

© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Change of EMAIL ADDRESS - Yes, everyone...this is actually from Sarah!

Due to the ridiculous amount of SPAM that has been sent out to you guys over the last few days, I am going to change my email address permanently.  I again apologize for the useless lives some people are living that they feel the need to send out disgusting and completely inappropriate emails out to my friends and family. 

My new email address is:

Please feel free to send a tester email to this account to make sure it gets through.

While I am not deleting this email account, I will be deleting your contacts from this account so that the spoofers can no longer access the list.  Furthermore, I would also encourage you all to block this email address from sending mail to your account AFTER you add my new address to your contacts list.  That will hopefully prevent any future SPAM.  I will be transferring over my contacts list over the next couple days.  

Sorry again, guys.  Trying to resolve the situation!

Sarah Haivng pdroblems with your man'oodhs stiffenss? rTy this!
Get thea rod-on oyu neked to satiisfy your girl! We have a Sale on ldbiio-boousters!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hey Everyone,

Apparently an email has gone out from my email address that I did not send.  I cannot be certain of everyone who received it but it is obviously a spam message and I apologize now!  Please don't ever open an email where there is not a clear indication that it is coming from me (or anyone else that may have their email address hijacked).  I will monitor the situation and change my email address if need be and will notify everyone if that's what I have to do.

Thanks and sorry again! 


P.S. If you did not receive an email from me, then you can ignore this message ;-)

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's been a crazy year!!'s been a while since I have posted anything new! Looking at this blog now, I can see just how much our lives have changed; namely, how much Lily has grown in these last several months, and the fact that we are expecting our second baby in the next couple months as well! I wasn't even pregnant the last time I posted! Oh my! Considering there would be a million and one pictures that I COULD post from the last almost year, I am just going to post a couple recent ones to show where we are now. Perhaps when I get a little more time, I can go back and update with some really fun ones...particularly our last days in California, our travels across the country to move to RI, and some fun family visits along the way.

Hope that everyone is doing well and that everyone is ready for the New Year! Stick to those resolutions!

Much love,

The Macs

Lily and Mac opening Hanukkah presents!

Oh Baby!! 7 months prego ;-)

Christmas pretty in her beautiful dress!

Merry Christmas Lily! Having a great time!

Mac prepping for Christmas dinner...yumm!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

So is this going to work?

I am doing a test message right now from my email...considering I don't always have access to a computer, I want to know that I can update this blog through email on my here's my first attempt!  Let's cross our fingers!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mmmmm, Ice Cream!

Nothing better than a cold ice cream cone on a hot day! Lily and Elly went down to the C store with their dads and got a tasty treat to enjoy! Here are some sweet pics of them hanging outside enjoying their day!

Mmm, this is so tasty!

"Don't you think so Elly??"

"Oh wow, this is getting a little messy..."

But I'm just going to go for it anyway!"

IDC Class 08015 Graduation

On Friday, April 10, 2009, Mac graduated Independent Duty Corpsman School (IDC) and we are so very proud of him! After 53 weeks of intense school, couple with clinicals, he can officially call himself a Navy IDC with pride! Lily and I adore you, Mac, and we are so proud to call you "Our man"! Here are some pictures of our morning!

Lily and Daddy being silly....

Me and my girl, Kristin:)

Lily and I chatting with Kristin...
She's such a Daddy's girl...

Family picture!

Lily and all her "peeps" :-)

Mac and I right after graduating...

And another one of us...

He's so funny...

So handsome!

Standing at attention waiting to go up and get his certificate!

IDC Class 08015

Daddy and his little "sailor" girl...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Night Out With Some Friends!

About a month ago, we went out for a night with some wonderful friends to Dave &'s like Chuck-E-Cheese for adults! Besides the fact that my thumb suffered a serious blister from playing too much of a ridiculous and mildly addicting machine gun video game, we have a blast...good company = a good time! Here's a couple "end of night" pics for you to enjoy!

Jeremy and I...typical Jeremy!

Mac and Tim...

From left: Josh, Rachel, Mac, Tim, and Dave

From left: Kristin, Rachel, Mac, Josh, Tori, Me, Dave, and Jeremy

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mmm, Mmm....Ravioli!

You all pretend like you don't want to enjoy your ravioli like this! Besides the fact that Lily looked like an Oompa-Loompa when she was done, she sure had a good time getting there! I never knew self-feeding was going to be so "creative"....enjoy!

Add a chocolate cookie and "POOF!"...more of a mess!

"This is great Mom and Dad! You should try it some time!"

A Day at the San Diego Wild Animal Park!

A couple weeks ago, we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park with our friends, the Nudelmans, and had a great time! Even though I have had a membership all year to the Zoological Parks, this is the first time we had been to this park! It was so beautiful...I wish you all could have a chance to see it! The animals aside, the landscape is just breathtaking:) Here are some family pics of our time there...

Lily is Getting So Big!!!

Lily has been getting so big! Every day I look at her and realize that she's getting further and further away from that little baby I had just 19 months ago...however, she is becoming such a lovely little girl and I enjoy getting to know her more and more everyday:) Here are some pictures of her over the last few weeks...just smiling and being "Lily"!

Helping Daddy open his birthday present...she's so helpful!

On our way to Miss Kristin's bridal shower!

Such a big girl!

Playing around:) She loves hats!

And Daddy's boots...haha!

Sweet little smile:)

Love those bright little eyes!

"What Mom?"

Waiting for Daddy to get home from sweet:)

"Don't worry mom, I got my backpack!"


"Don't you worry Mom, I got my purse, sunglasses, and bracelet..I am ready to go!"

Look, it's Bono's daughter!

Aww, my sweet little baby:)