Sunday, September 26, 2010

Change of EMAIL ADDRESS - Yes, everyone...this is actually from Sarah!

Due to the ridiculous amount of SPAM that has been sent out to you guys over the last few days, I am going to change my email address permanently.  I again apologize for the useless lives some people are living that they feel the need to send out disgusting and completely inappropriate emails out to my friends and family. 

My new email address is:

Please feel free to send a tester email to this account to make sure it gets through.

While I am not deleting this email account, I will be deleting your contacts from this account so that the spoofers can no longer access the list.  Furthermore, I would also encourage you all to block this email address from sending mail to your account AFTER you add my new address to your contacts list.  That will hopefully prevent any future SPAM.  I will be transferring over my contacts list over the next couple days.  

Sorry again, guys.  Trying to resolve the situation!


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